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Take a deep breath to listen to the earth

Sea Hailuogou territory in Sichuan Ganzi, Sichuan mountain peak Gonggar the foot of the location of glaciers is only 3,000 meters above sea level, is currently the world's very few have been found in low-latitude and low altitude modern glaciers, one of 282 kilometers away from Chengdu, available all year round boarding.

Wizard, on the 1st viewing platform, take a deep breath

The impression that glaciers in the distant Tanggula either, either in the high and steep at the foot of Everest, now so easily be able to see the glaciers, there are peaks, rain-delayed for a long time, I secretly excited.

Into the mountains soon hit the Xiao, a local young man. At that time I was fitted with telephoto to the opposite mountain clouds Mi Mongolia Aiming Aiming to go, Xiao and his companions are down, probably look at me pulling quite in large Rack. Asked: "You are the photographer, right? I like photography, I will give you backpack, you lead the way bar!." "That's how much money I have to pay you?" I asked the guard, when the door ticket prices scare me. "To not give all OK, I want to learning anything." I decided to bring him, and in the mountains there is a lot easier or a wizard.

We are walking in a real jungle where, all two and three in order to surround the towering trees, the world is a light rain, named Xiao Liu at the foot of the mountain by a broken umbrella to give me pluggin my own back all the luggage in front of lead the way, I am one step behind a sliding, panting. Finally in the evening to reach an elevation of 3,200 meters on the 1st observation deck. A cottage built on the rock an excellent field of vision, the opposite is the peaks, at the foot of the glacier is a million years.

According to Xiao's arrangement, I sleep that night at the observation deck on the 1st. There is no electricity, we can not light a fire at night by an oil lamp lighting. Bored, pick up a good equipment, took out his notebook, the flickering candlelight on the day of the diary to write. Outside Wanlaijuji, Raining Cats and the water and the occasional sound of breaking ice Kaka heard the voice, in this exceptionally clear and quiet night, listening to the Sound Of Nature, my heart gradually calm down, I know that water in fact can not see, that is due to the Earth's own heat to melt the ice formed glaciers underground river, listening to the sound of these years the endless flow, I feel I have truly touched the earth - Mother Earth deep breathing.

Xiao and his companions sitting either side of the edge, quietly looked at me and write. I do not know that they can understand I写了些什么not just listen to them lament: "The one-day things that can write so the word."

Very cold at night, and I fully clothed lying on a big board, named Xiao Liu gave me press the two quilts, two coats, air presses, I have asthma and could not, let alone stand up, and estimate their own bedding uniform to me. This is the case, I still frozen woke up several times.

The ice, glacier boulder, city openings

Get up early in the morning, disappointed to find that the mountain is still overcast with heavy clouds, the sky is still light rain, "sunshine Jinshan" is definitely gone. Ah Q to think, "sunshine Jinshan" Anyway, are being shot indiscriminately, and do not shoot worth mentioning! Down to the glacier walk.

The first set foot on ice is difficult to describe the feeling. And imagination of the completely different surface of the glacier ice is not crystal clear, but large and small gravel, which cover the ice thick gravel surface, and sometimes even feel walking in the ice. Days are still under a light rain, ice, a gloomy, only a huge ice cracks only from time to time to remind you that where they are. Gray and gray glacial boulder of ice pose a gray world, not life, and this reminds me of an active volcano on the island of Hawaii from the case, but also such a gray, is also the case in the doldrums, very different from that under a ice, one is fire.

However, information or life came from the depths beneath, that is gurgling sound of flowing water and distant mountains of the bird, it is the Earth's temperature rhythm of life in the muster.

We decided to walk down along the glacier, the ice tongue's end, there is a huge hole, the locals call it "the city openings," Xiao said it was the only hope that a good film out of place, because the poor light upstream view of the glacier is not simply shoot them, but also slippery because of rain, there is no special tools are also not go up. Does not go down easily, no roads, only gravel slowly walked away. Xiao said that the original repair any road, the spring snow melt led to the rocks, the mountains and the big stones rolling down the road completely washed off. In fact, there is not very safe, is still snowmelt season, there will be a stone fly down the mountain at any time, but I this moment have been tortured at the foot of gravel would not think of anything. In this walking on gravel too painful, and it seems no one stone is stable, where not to tread firmly, I have only followed every step of Xiao behind, he stepped foot piece of piece of me, this situation is somewhat like a child, watching The film "mine warfare," the scene, devils big boots to tread across puddles to escape across the back of the traitor wearing shoes round I want to tread gravel Duoduosuosuo the past, the results fall into puddles or kick. I feel this moment the traitor really the same as with the poor. Ankle increasingly do not live strong, and loose stones to be focused in order to cope with, they simply could not lift their heads and finally has become a kind of mechanical motion.

When Xiao was finally climbing up an ice beam, back to me excitedly exclaimed: "By!", I was the first stone has already been tortured spirit晕晕Hu Hu seems to be stimulated at once. When I climbed this is not very high but sliding a lot and when the ice beam, but it's a depressing to see Xiao's face was at a loss - "city openings," no more! It must be in the melting process of the collapse. Xiao pointed out from under the ice of the estuary, said: "City openings originally there!" His voice was full of apologies, it seems that the ice cave, he should also be responsible for the collapse.

Outdoor Tips

1. Gongga Mountain peak around are filled with 23 peaks over 6,000 meters above sea level and surrounded by radial distribution has 74 glaciers, with a total area of 255.1 square kilometers, of which the length of more than 10 kilometers of the glacier there are five, yes transverse mountain and longest glacier in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau group. Hailuogou Glacier is located east slope of Gongga Mountain, with a total area of 197 square kilometers.

2. Transport: Departure from Chengdu through Chengdu-Yaan highways, Erlang Mountain Tunnel, the Dadu River bridge into the town arrived at Moxi Hailuogou. Entire 282 kilometers traveled about 5 hours, for now entered a Hailuogou the most convenient route.

3. Accommodation: Whether in town or in the Moxi Hailuogou, the three-star standard of 600 yuan each, ordinary standard room 150 yuan or so, live viewing platform for the Chase squatter shops, 30 yuan per person per night.

4. Admission: 60 yuan per person, ditch sightseeing car 60 yuan per person, two camps, hot springs 30 yuan per person, glacier cableway 150 yuan per person.

5. Note: glacier tour with a certain amount of adventure, coupled with the glacier can not build roads, visitors are generally guides lead the way by the glaciers. If there are no tour guides, at least three or more peers; in glacier can not shout, so as not to shock wave caused by avalanches or landslides; In addition, it is best to wear hiking shoes or sports shoes, as well as colorful, warmth and good clothing; sunglasses, moisturizing cream, sunscreen, cold medicine and the flashlight is also a must-have.

The author / Pu-yin

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