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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

More than self-driving Liangshan "sun" sun

Published: February 4, 2011

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Panxi bright sun shining on the earth, even more festive holiday atmosphere. February 3 first lunar month, following the Feb. 2 reception nearly 1500 self-drive vehicles, Iasi Liangshan section of highway driving another record high number of tourists, a total of 12000 self-driving cars, "Chung" chase the sun into the Liangshan.

Holiday Office in Liangshan Prefecture, according to incomplete statistics, as of the date of 14:30, Liangshan Prefecture in Xichang City, Yanyuan County, Mianning County, Pugh County, Leibo County, a total of 238400 tourists trips, tourism revenue 45352100 yuan; received more than 12624 vehicles from driving around. Self-driving tourists mainly from Yunnan, Panzhihua, Chengdu, Chongqing, Suining, Deyang, Ya'an, Ziyang and other places. Source: Sichuan Daily

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