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Art Gallery of Tibetan Culture & Art

Mani Stone Mounds are piled at major roads or mountain paths by Tibetan people.
Silver statue of the Goddess of Mercy With 1000 Hands and 1000 Eyes enshrined in the Three-World Hall of the Potala Palace.
Tara in a fresco in the ruins of the Guge Kingdom
Rock paintings at Rutog County,Ngari
Buddha Sakyamuni Western Tibet, ca. 1000
Transcendental Buddha Amitayus Central Tibet, 14th century
Bodhisattva Manjusri Central Tibet, ca. 1300
A Serpent Deity Central Tibet (Densatil Monastery), 14th century
Descent of the Buddha Eastern Tibet (Kham), 19th century
Mandala of Sarvavid Vairochana South Central Tibet, early 14th century
Charm Box Tibet, 19th century
A Reliquary in the Form of a Stupa Central Tibet, 13th century

Flint Purse Tibet, 18th century