Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel, weather, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service

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Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Welcome to Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service website www.COTS.com.cnSichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Travel Introduction
Jiuzhaigou is located in the northwest of Sichuan Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou County, located in the southern section of Ga Thurner Minshan Mountains northern foot peak, is the source of the Yangtze River Jialing a Zhigou, 2000-4300 m above sea level. Jiuzhaigou available all year round tourism, still the best tour to Jiuzhaigou autumn season ......
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou scenic spot to enjoy more Gonglue + Mito
Jiuzhaigou scenic spots: tree is groove (A. Mizoguchi B. Heye Walled C. Bonsai Beach D. Reed E. Ssangyong Hoi Hoi Hoi) F. Sparks
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Japan will ditch (A Snow Day Snow Day Long Long Falls B group C. Jing-hai hai D. Pearl Beach Pearl Beach Waterfall E.)
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Zechawagou (A. and down season, the sea B. Wucaiche C. Chang-Hai)

Jiuzhaigou tourist routes (travel agencies issued a day regiment)

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong Flying day tour
Features: This line is particularly suitable Jiuzhaigou business travel, relatively tense time, those who fly into the Jiuzhaigou just 45 minutes, compared to 9 hours by car so need to be relaxed, but the costs are much higher ... [more] 9
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, the quality on the 4th tour
Features: This line remains the first choice for many tourists Jiuzhaigou, although the road is hard enough, but the scenery along the way Minjiang River is definitely a very good compensation, other prices affordable ... [more]
Total on the 9th Wuyuan + Hangzhou Travels (from Guangzhou)
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Author: Jessie
Date: 2003/3/22-2003/3/30
People: Jessie & Walter


Wuyuan this place, not very fixed spots along the roadside of a certain shot may give you a surprise. On the whole, is a very peaceful place to a very simple, but the first people to construct the wisdom of the living environment is really worthy of our admiration for. Tour this place, I think do not have to hurry, do not need to run spots, take a quiet state of mind to appreciate slowly savor the words of'll have more fun. May wish to put more time to stay in your favorite place to savor here, thin books with a taste of farm atmosphere, relax, and enjoy.

We chose the end of March to go here because it is open season for rape, but also peach, pink and yellow cauliflower, along with white walls and gray tiles of the Huizhou style architecture everywhere King. If the 51 to go, then I do not know whether the cauliflower is still, but the peach will be passed, but the water dripping beside that red would be blooming rhododendrons, and is also the view of another round.

Like the feeling of quiet and simple, it should go as soon as possible Wuyuan go this year, when many of the more well-known scenic spots have been the other side of the company, Zhejiang, wrap, and villages all want money, but also the village which was originally a very plain folk customs have begun to contaminated by commercial flavor. Alas, those leaders said that the tourism industry should be vigorously pursued, what would become of the future here, really can not imagine. So, want to leave as soon as possible啦~

Basic necessities + Notes

Clothes: We have to go, when, where large temperature difference between day and night, morning, three wear clothes, but in the afternoon for every minute you can wear short-sleeved. So do not take too many thick clothes, but look better may wear thin long-sleeved clothing and do at the end of T-shirt is again to do another one say that people face T-shirt. and, the proposed election a little bright color, because in the flowering rape photo, it is necessary and it does struggle yan.

Food: This farm used to go grocery shopping early in the morning, so if you eat inside the farmhouse hotel, then to take your order when you generally do not have a lot of meat options, there will be red carp and dried meat, but other fresh meat selection less, and seem to say is do not eat beef at the Tomb Sweeping Festival, but the reason could not hear clearly. Generally inexpensive, vegetarian ¥ 4-8, meat dish 6-25. Also, there is a clear and bright cakes called snacks, good coffee proud.

Accommodation: Wuyuan hotel here basically upstairs by the farmers in their own settings, bearer bar can usually be treated 10 are based on people to count the money, usually about ¥ 8-15, generally have a hot shower.

Line: traffic is too much trouble for those who travel for self-only motorcycle, bus and chartered in three ways, the small number of buses, motorcycles can not be many people who set out, if it is 4-6 groups of people, choose the chartered is more cost-effective way. You can call at any time to stop to take photos, free and comfort. Also, motorcycle, and early resumption of the bus, where people are used to getting up early and returned early, so the best hotels in advance to obtain more information, if necessary, can ask the boss to help you call cars.

Are: with torches, where the night can be really dark, one of the oh

And, because there is no very hard to bargain, we paid the price may be high, everyone is entirely possible to get a cheaper price Oh, do try the next啦!

Also And, starting intend to try to write a more detailed manner, and hope that other students can give enough information啦, but she also feels that after finishing the essay seems to be too trivial, and Kaka are likely to give viewers sleepy. .

! ! (¥..) Which is in everyone's consumption, (¥.. For..) Is a consumer group.

Now, start my trip.

Day1 train
13:54 K210 Guangzhou - Ningbo by train (to Shangrao ¥ 154) Hard Seat

Day2 Wuyuan - Li Hang - Wang mouth - since dawn trip to the Eastern ---

05:30 arrive Shangrao station, outside a dark, at railway stations, daylight, followed by human tricycles (¥ 4 for 2) to the terminal with Lake Road Wuyuan sitting the last 6:45 (Ziyang Town) of the CMB (¥ 33 ), tricycle driver said that in Jiefang near the train station there, but also to a private Wuyuan Pakistan, probably around 6:15 to open, but the earliest bus station is open 06:30.

10:40 arrive Wuyuan County (Ziyang Town) bus stations,

11:15 electric tricycle ride to Li Hang (¥ 15 for 2), can also sit at the station gate No. 3 bus (¥ 1) to the North Station (they call a large parking station) take the CMB (about ¥ 3-5) to the Li Hang.

12:00 arrive Lee Hang, along the road are also some good scenery, tricycles, then you can always ask him to stop. Lee Hang Tickets (¥ 10 × 0.5: Student votes), entrance to the village there will be motorcycle intercepted by their village can be free with a ticket (asking price ¥ 10 a, can then bargain). We invited a guide (¥ 10), in fact, may also request can not be requested, but Lee is a small pit village, his words will soon be watching to see from the guide belt, you can chat with her a lot of fun things. Noon to a tour guide restaurants to eat, where a general 6-8 vegetables, meat dish 10-25, can freely choose.

14:00 in the motorcycle ride to Wang Cun village population (¥ 10), half-way there is a place, it's beautiful scenery, and can tell him to stop to give you camera.

14:30 I arrive Wang (¥ 15: No student tickets), if you like wood carving art, where Yu Ancestral Hall is a place worth coming, here are based on color wood style, similar to the kind of Dongyang wood carving, fine too incredible. Yu Ancestral Hall spent a lot of the image of an elephant head, maybe it is and belief in it? Next to the "Millennium Middle Kingdom" is not worth, and more worn and dirty. Instead of that village to the Yu Ancestral Hall, a short distance there is a stone bridge entrance to the village side have a good landscape. A small array to sit over there better.

Motorcycle ride from 16:00 to dawn (¥ 15), Note: Wang mouth entrance to the village there is no motor services, buses at this time seems to have very little, so best to take you to the next convention motorcycle, and we did not expect because this situation, had been severely exploited a bit. Asking price ¥ 20, ¥ 15 threw in speaking to the tour Jiangwan. Riverside and the previous two villages largely similar, but also development of comparatively severe, since such meetings Jiang Bobo come back once, the villagers built a memorial arch, is still to build a shrine, and the clock tower with one of bustling scene. . Do not worth mentioning.

5:00 p.m. to the next dawn, the old house to live Hotel (¥ 10), owner of Wang Furong (telephone 0793-293402). But live in an old village house is to pay fees (¥ 20: No half-price), including the upper and lower dawn, the camphor tree park, outlet park a few spots. After the dawn may be coming from inside the village stroll.

1) Camphor Garden is a little shady grove, more subtle form of camphor trees, but the villagers say that Fenpang only kinds of camphor. . . However, few people here, dusk came, only to hear the birds and squirrels in the trees jumping voices, and another some fun.

2), the dawn from the room than the previous several villages to be beautiful, but not too many unnecessary renovation, well maintained its original flavor. The white walls of a lot of pictures in drama, characters, painters do not bad. We happen to have entered one called "resolute Church" in the house, homeowners up to the spring of enthusiasm for Wang, introduced its own history, but also show a lot of their own heritage to us. Now think of is also quite interesting.

3) The nozzle Park, where as if you could drift, the water is very clear but also extremely anxious, very acoustic, the water next to a waterwheel. Coast to attend what could be sitting on the water sound, He He

4) The restaurant to eat dinner at the old house, where he met a 4-person group, as many as one of 95 Chinese workers师兄! We agreed to ride together the next day to duanxin. Please help us make an appointment a boss Changhe car.

5) The night after dinner holding a flashlight under the dawn, the people here will be sleep basic 9:00, so dark a whole village, but heard a dog barking, heard the sound of water, it is the most fun to stimulate the then ~ is that in a certain dark alley in a bend and found a bit of light exposing the people, which turned out to be an old man doing paper-made sacrificial dolls, Kaka Ka, almost scared to death.

6) The outlet of the night once again swim park, dark, ear is the sound of ice-cold river in the brawl, head of Star sparkle, yeah ~

Day3 onwards Xiao - Jiang Ling - duanxin Reservoir - Nakamura
- Wuyuan Journey section of the most beautiful scenery

06:30 go to the dawn, the time the sun is not out, the morning mist hanging over the entire valley. However, all the villagers have already started its activities, and pupils go to school in groups, peasant women were in the water next to the laundry, where should be able to murder a lot of film, and Hehe. Xiao Jiang's surname to play a major people, down from a WANG Xiao-name, probably some years ago, there is a kinship of the bar, even the style of the village is also very similar, but much more elegant little effect on the dawn and the next dawn onwards is probably more merchants, the house will be a little luxury. Fertilizer tube behind the house, Oh, very unique, it is worth look at, unfortunately forgot the name. The village has a primary school, the door open, you can go sit in oh ~-street stores have specialty here, "McDonald's" potato chips (sweet potato dry, Kaka)

08:00 Back to the Old House restaurant for breakfast and checkout total (¥ 44 for 2) includes both dinner and breakfast accommodation.

8:30 left to go in the Village (or Chung?), Six people sit Changhe just good (¥ 120 for 6).

1) First stop: Jiangling. Jiang Lingcun in a small valley of villages surrounded by rape golden terraces, views are beautiful. Unfortunately, this time do not go to fog, cameras, according to what is not, but the head and the scenery is really beautiful on. Mad in the mountains first, according to a trough, and then along the mountain road has been, in the mountainside, where people actually have one scene flowing water bridges, with a bright peach blossoms bloom, it is worth staying. Peak should be a distribution center for enthusiasts, because a lot of film-street boxes, alas. . . However, the whole list here Jiangling scenery, may wish to stay a long point, slowly appreciate. May find a very long tail of the bird, take-off are too heavy, Hehe.

2) The road will go through to the Qing sources bifurcation junction, but the driver for the fare increase, there is no go

3) The second stop: duanxin reservoir. Reservoir's name, it's beautiful - "Mountain Pinghu," in fact considered only the general bar scene, but the pictures show up very well Oh, it is doing a little surprise. However, by the end of March go to these places will be very comfortable, the weather was not hot, surrounded by quiet again, watching the distant boat passing the water marks left behind and also do very nice

12:00 arrive in the village, living in the village's highest hotel (¥ 15), meals in primary schools diagonally opposite the restaurant, where clean and tidy, but also taste very good Oh, not expensive. (¥ 35 for 6)

13:30 According to the recommendation of the villagers, a small reservoir on the hill is actually a puddle bar, Oh, but worth a visit to, and anyway are the play, as long as good scenery on the way up the mountain does not matter a lot of bar ~ farm women to chopped wood, and they can chat, but we can not keep up their pace啦, did not take long been cast aside, and He He. However, there is one point, they mind if you give them camera, saying that if the mountain was picked into the photo inside the photo, they are like a lifetime. Then we stroll in the village, it is very comfortable. The tourism industry here has not been damaged too much, or keeping their most simple taste. The villagers are very simple, will be happy, and you say that local conditions, and always Xiaohe He's.

15:00 Six new group decided to barbecue for dinner, only to find material here is very poor. Known as the market actually is just a small booth. Inside the village looking for a long time could not find any pork or chicken or beef, and even hotel only remaining bacon. . She eventually became the "market" found frozen chicken in a refrigerator. Buy a stove, but also worked extremely hard and found a charcoal barbecue activity can go on.

16:00 west along the mountain road had been away before your eyes are comfortable school of quiet rural scenery. Along the creek has always been to go along the roadside is full of rape fields, punctuated by a number of primary school children to wear bright red uniforms, the distance smoke-filled, the entire valley, apart from a very light sound of flowing water, birds singing far, it Zaimei Other rang.

17:30 starting point furnace, we have chosen a large terrace in the hotel barbecue. Look under the blue smoke rising sun, Kaka, real fun.

19:30 BBQ end to the restaurant to eat a formal dinner at noon, the boss wife to make the dishes here, "steamed" is a vegetable + chili + powder and good health and then steamed. There is also a chicken stew, is noon on the next good order, otherwise what is the meat's all gone. . (¥ 30 for 6)

! Dinner on the way to do 3 things
1) To decide tomorrow morning, climbing to the Lu Hang Hau, and living logical pit.
2) Please Lord help us hotel invited a Wizard (¥ 25 for 6): Actually, do not necessarily have to ask, because the mountain is only a stone path.
3) and Li Hang Yu Xinyuan owner (0793-7244223) arranged to meet car to pick us Hang Hau Lu (¥ 80 for 6)

A large terrace in the hotel at night the stars, really beautiful.

! ! In fact, paradoxically, is a good place to introduce it to others. If, once more people, then there might become yet another tourist model village had, sigh. . Better not too much about, and Hehe

Day4 Nakamura - Lu Hang Hau - Li Hang - Northern Line Start

08:00 to the hotel for breakfast and bought 20 eggs, Ha ha ha (¥ 16 for 6),

08:30 depart for mountaineering. Foot of the mountain there is a sub-fork to the left is to another village, to the right is uphill. May ask local villagers. The way up the mountain is very steep, it may slowly go the way stone will make you rest. Climbed over the summit, you will see a piece of the dilapidated house, peach open well brilliant. Then came down the road, a bit barren, but still good to go.

11:40 arrival side of the hill, Lu Hang Hau. The journey began after the North line.

12:30 appointment with the car finally arrived. Depart for Li Hang. Will pass through:
1) Moon Bay: Remember to stop to see oh ~
2) Zhan Tianyou Hometown: ordinary village bar
3) Dragon Tower: the driver said it was a bunker
4) After a fork in the road to the sub-Tsinghua, after they begin to have running water accompanied by the water next to the azalea is a very eye-catching.

14:00 arrive Li Hang Cloud River Hotel (¥ 12 or so), live Miss rooms, then you can sleep in bed oh ~ goes on in the Qing Dynasty antiques inside to eat in the hotel and found that only the dried meat and carp are really optional. . . However, a lot of vegetables, okay. .

15:30 logical pit inside the shopping around, there are a lot of art students in painting, there are a lot of people carrying tripods here to there, according to Zhao. Pit is a very strong reason bookish villages, there is no ordinary kind of local gas in rural areas. From its architecture, from its layout can be clearly felt in the village. The most fun is in the village of Guangzhou prefect, the discovery of a stone tablet engraved with the words of Canton, Oh, It seems the modern and classical Cantonese is not so great.

18:00 Dinner Cloud River Hotel, which is still to eat, not what is really point of meat dish, and the results of the whole table are vegetables.

Six of the trip more and more slowly, and slowly enjoy the customs here, is the key to travel here.

Day5 Li Hang - Tsinghua University - the end of Northern Line

Morning, and the driver of the car an appointment to the Qinghua (¥ 50 for 6), you can leisurely swim after Takaya's logical hole stroll, or in cloud, and I boss Chuichui Creek Villa, water, sun, very comfortable to spend 1 AM.

12:30 depart for Tsinghua

14:00 arrived at Tsinghua University,

1) Tour Rainbow Bridge (¥ 10 × 0.5: student tickets, xixi), do not put it online as fantastic, but it is also very comfortable. The bridge has a waterwheel mill, which is a restaurant in it. Votes are used multiple times, therefore, intends to come again in the evening

2) the town to eat lunch at Qinghua (¥ 46 for 6) can eat four dishes and one soup, good bread ,^_^, think Creek went after the four groups, six groups disbanded

3) The rainbow bridge rainbow live in cottages (¥ 10)

4) In the Tsinghua town wandering, You Millennium Ancient Street, Mo-Wan Um, we might watch the sunset sitting on stone bridge.

5) re-visit the Rainbow Bridge, and then to the waterwheel mill meal, to promote the restaurant, food tastes good, but slightly more expensive than the previous point

This, feeling this place has been playing Wuyuan was enough, but to hear people say that recently visited the western front would not Chaitai Duo, so I decided fought in other places. Evening at a cafe decision Tsinghua next - Hangzhou.

Day6 Tsinghua - Quzhou - Hangzhou

07:00 departure, along the Millennium Street has come to the farm produce market to eat breakfast: Tomb Sweeping cakes, where the characteristics of snacks oh ~

07:30 Tsinghua station minibus ride to the Ziyang (¥ 5), in a large parking lot off. Wuyuan County sitting on the 3rd bus to the station (the station that the first day of arrival), sitting in Wuyuan 09:15 - × × (forget the terminal), anyway to Quzhou is ¥ 25, a very luxurious home-made air-conditioned buses. We are half-way stop, the station does not sell tickets, so buy tickets directly on the train, but need to give way to the station ticket passengers oh.

09:15 Driving

11:30 arrive in Quzhou, walking the distance to the train station next to the bus station. Buy tickets 14:30 to Hangzhou Qijuxizhan (¥ 60). Hangzhou East Bus Station is also covered by the car (such as ¥ 80) will be faster to, but I do not know specifically what place to go.

Facing the map, walking a few local attractions, temple, county and school on the road a big Simon, Xuan Ling Temple, Quzhou Hall, the Clock Tower. Snacks Street near the Clock Tower, which sells flowers and tofu dumplings good Chine! There are only sold four cents a fresh baked biscuit paper, very good to eat, Kaka

14:30 to Hangzhou car driving, is also a luxury bus and see a film oh

18:00 to arrive in Hangzhou West Station, sitting K49 to the terminus (¥ 2), found in the vicinity of the Beat Hotel (¥ 60 for 2), others are asking price ¥ 180. . . But Heroes is of poorer quality, public toilets, but too late, do not want found, casually pull off the first night

1) Jingshan visiting the night market, eating
2) visiting the Zhejiang University, Hubin Campus, opened the door even a "Burton" West restaurant, said to belong to the Guangdong restaurant syndicate, Shipai East appears to be that "Burton" in store Oh ~厉害!
3) wandering around Yan'an Road, recommend a call Ex.Life.En shop, which sold something very chic.

Day7 Hangzhou

1) Check-out, go out to look for other hotels, the last to live in Wun Sha Rd listed on a hospital in the vicinity of up to Hotel (¥ 120 for 2)

2) sitting on the 7th car to West Lake, take luxurious antique yacht (¥ 45) visit the West Lake. By the end of March has been ㄋ Jia Xin Jin, Yu Tangchun, peach, crabapple, cherry blossoms are open too bright, Santan Serenade and Huagangguanyu (¥ 10) where in particular is. And Willow has just sprouted long, with a very new green.

3) take K4 to the Qiantang River, in the Liuhe off. Passers-enthusiastic promotion jiuxi, but not enough time to give up. The way through the Lei Feng Tower and Dreaming of the Tiger.

4) Wu Sha Road, the train ticket office to buy tickets: K47 Shanghai - Guangzhou 14:00 open (¥ 194 hard seat), another group of K99 (¥ 208 hard seat) is open the next day, fast two hours to reach Guangzhou, driving time, it seems is 14:00 or so, remember.

5) In the Lake Road, take K7 Tour Bus (cart) to Shiratsutsumi, walking, kite-flying, sit, watching the sunset, cozy evening to spend a beautiful West Lake.

6) along the Shiratsutsumi go through Louwai Lou, Red Beans Love and so on, until the North Road. Over there a lot of luxury hotels. . An eye-opener. .

7) sit back Yan'an Road, near the K7. Start shopping after dinner, Kaka, where ppmm a lot, and then clothes shop has its own characteristics, there are many, are a lot of high-level mall. . Kaka, after testing, where the card can be used under the CUP, so afraid of shopping oh ~

Hangzhou scenery many large cities, according to the situation should be able to play three or four days, but we only have one day, so just around the West Lake to play, did not go to Lingyin those. Is most unfortunate that there is no time to go to a luxury cafe in Hangzhou, look, Hehe. Nanshan Road, there are a lot of very, very, very nice café it. Only after the East China trip, etc. and then re-visit familiar places, complement啦.

Day8 back to Guangzhou

Morning stroll near the lake, ready for food when the afternoon train to Hangzhou East Railway Station by car: K47 Shanghai - Guangzhou, 14:00 tour of the train car, many people ah ~ ~ you If they're afraid SARS, or the bar with a mask.

Day9 arrived in Guangzhou

11:20 arrived in Guangzhou Station

The words written on the back of

Many of my friends intend to play 51 to Wuyuan, I am here to give them more information on bar.

1) Wuyuan from Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai, these places are not far, that is, a few hours drive, I wonder if 51 will are more tourists in these areas do worst fear is that it wants to destroy the tranquility here.

2) According to hoteliers say, 51 when the cost of the hotel is certainly to be rising, probably rose to 15-20

3) I think that time is not necessarily a good return ticket to buy, we need to plan what time do tickets

last, thanks walter for me to take care of along the way, thank you ~

Author: Jessie917

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service

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