Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel, weather, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service

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Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Welcome to Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service website www.COTS.com.cnSichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Travel Introduction
Jiuzhaigou is located in the northwest of Sichuan Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou County, located in the southern section of Ga Thurner Minshan Mountains northern foot peak, is the source of the Yangtze River Jialing a Zhigou, 2000-4300 m above sea level. Jiuzhaigou available all year round tourism, still the best tour to Jiuzhaigou autumn season ......
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou scenic spot to enjoy more Gonglue + Mito
Jiuzhaigou scenic spots: tree is groove (A. Mizoguchi B. Heye Walled C. Bonsai Beach D. Reed E. Ssangyong Hoi Hoi Hoi) F. Sparks
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Japan will ditch (A Snow Day Snow Day Long Long Falls B group C. Jing-hai hai D. Pearl Beach Pearl Beach Waterfall E.)
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Zechawagou (A. and down season, the sea B. Wucaiche C. Chang-Hai)

Jiuzhaigou tourist routes (travel agencies issued a day regiment)

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong Flying day tour
Features: This line is particularly suitable Jiuzhaigou business travel, relatively tense time, those who fly into the Jiuzhaigou just 45 minutes, compared to 9 hours by car so need to be relaxed, but the costs are much higher ... [more] 9
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, the quality on the 4th tour
Features: This line remains the first choice for many tourists Jiuzhaigou, although the road is hard enough, but the scenery is absolutely Minjiang River along the way is a very good compensation, other prices affordable ... [more]
City night
More Travels
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* Sweet Home Jiuzhai
* The perfect blend of East and West -洋人街
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* Jiuzhaigou Huanglong Return Journey Details and costs Daquan
* Guide of Northwest Sichuan
* Dali Cloud - can be romantic rival
* Lijiang harmony Hospitals
* About Yunnan
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* Lijiang Attractions Introduction - Yu-zhu Atlas (4)
* Lijiang Attractions Introduction - Yu-zhu Atlas (3)

City night

We are quietly into the city at night, in the entrance floor, South City to see the ancient city of Dali's Description:

Dali City, Han said the leaf elm, AD 764, Tang Jian Yang Ju Nanzhao baa in this city, also known as Purple City, and in the town. AD 779, the Nanzhao moved the capital to this. Song Dali Powers to all, after 500 years of the Tang and Song to the Yuan Dynasty. Hongwu fifteen-year renovation. Dali City, 6 km circumference, the wall 8 meters, 7 meters thick, there are four gates, the city built a defense against an enemy on the floor, 15, Embrasure 1560, outside the moat. City streets are north-south, east-west, criss-cross, is a typical checkerboard layout.

In reviving the road we find a snack bar, the name Jingjing snack bar, store, though small, has become known overseas, the most famous shop to do the "Dali casserole fish." The boss's name is also very special, Jiao Zhang Li Yang. It is said that there are four names in Dali: Zhang, Yang, Li, Duan. The old gentleman went so far as to take their 3. The boss said that there have been several Hong Kong reporters in Dali, when to come here every day, eating one meal of fish casserole, as "crystal" the slightest deformation of the word became a three circle, is akin Mahjong tiles inside the three-cylinder Therefore, this store has played a Jiu Ji's nickname was "three drum shop." It is said that Dali Bai's traditional fish casserole dishes, casserole fish, bright colors, the tables, the casserole soup is still boiling inside more than, the atmosphere rich warm. Of fish casserole Ingredients selected about 1000 grams of Erhai Lake where carp, reprovision with chicken bones, water, squid, sea cucumber, tendons, stomachs, and tofu skin, mushrooms, soaked bamboo slices, Heqing round legs, belly piece, white meat, liver tablets, lumbar films and raw materials, then these raw materials into clouds casserole cooked for half an hour, and then processed into the pot Erhai Lei Shao Zhu, add onions, ginger, salt, pepper, MSG , leaching with sesame oil, steaming the tables, the soup boiling fish swim, fish delicious, ingredients is also good, both meat and vegetables. Dali fish casserole is not only Fragrance Spreading the whole world, but also a beautiful legend. In the words of the Qing Dynasty, Yunnan switch after the South there is a revival of the ancient city of Dali shop called "Mountain and Sea Restaurant", business is booming. But the shop owner A very stingy, very rich, he in order to earn more money, only to the workers very little reward. Waiter Zhang 3 family of poverty, put the leftovers in the rich collection of post-installed in the casserole in the clouds, take home to his wife and children to eat Stew. One day, Dong Xi, one of the state of the four big families hosted a banquet at the Mountain and Sea Restaurant, eat late at night, Zhang put the remaining three assorted vegetables, diarrhea tablets, sea cucumbers, incense bacteria, all into the casserole in the. After returning home, by chance the child caught a fish from Lake Erhai, so they put casserole with cooking, the whole family to eat fresh and delicious especially fragrant. Later, Ada Fu's death, the collapse of mountain and ocean restaurant, Zhang 3 on the use of their own house-breaking, opened a small hotel, exclusive fish casserole. After Zhang three pairs of the continuous improvement of fish casserole perfect casserole fish quickly at the local minor celebrity, but even some of the large restaurants Shimonoseki began operating casserole of fish, because the Erhai Lake where carp fat, strong, and some can only be will head into casserole, but yes some flavor, also known as "Shimonoseki casserole head."

We also ate a term from Cangshan is called the "frog skin" of the Wild vegetables. This dish of green leaves there are a lot of white spots, long as the frog skin in general, eat up, crisp and flavorful. 3 Barrel store owner had specifically recommended to us snacks, "dengchuan Milk Cake, dengchuan Eryuan County is located in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture dengchuan Bazi, have always been well-known dairy base. The early Ming Dynasty, the Bai people around Erhai Lake has been raising dairy cattle on and the production of Milk Cake habits, to the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing years, Milk Cake widely disseminated throughout Yunnan. dengchuan Milk Cake practice strange, first out of fresh milk to boil, add some edible acid, gently stir with chopsticks Dang , so that liquid milk in protein, fat and other ingredients gradually solidified, and then chopsticks gently spread into a thin milk, such as fan-less thin, and then hung on bamboo racks to dry, color yellow with a white oil lubrication in the bright, sweet fragrance , rich in nutrition, easy to carry. Milk Cake edible methods are mainly fried, raw, red sweet tea to eat three kinds of eat. deep-fried food is the most common form, first tidal Milk Cake with a clean towel resurgence, put into the three mature oil deep fry golden brown, you can remove and eat. dengchuan Milk Cake, color, smell, taste, shape a good, eat up, crispy outside tender inside their mouths milk fragrance. ate Erhai lake carp , Cangshan the wild, there is dengchuan's Milk Cake, I feel I have become a Dali person.

Fond After that, we northbound along the renaissance, where the architecture is all-green tile roof, cobblestone base shear walls, looking quite the simplicity of these chic. Bai loved gardening tree planting and every household gardens, rare marble camellias, rhododendrons, Jasminum Lan contests, and a variety of safflower grass out wall, and even into a flower of Lane, Cangshan Sessen through cities across the street, walking home wearing Lane, Qinglie sweet, Din Din pound, to flow through to your side, slowly eastward import Erhai Lake. The whole city wet fresh and spotless. Standing five Chinese upstairs, to the west could be far-sighted Cangshan majestic, Pallas cloud, Wang Fu-yun through the mountainside, Three Pagodas stand at the foot of Kuiran, in March on the streets as if voices or percussion. East, overlooking beautiful scenery of charming Erhai Lake to the north can enjoy Hei Bai state residential areas, the south can be Qinger listening to the wind of Shimonoseki.

Plastic north road, we came to protect the country and the well-known road, this road is not very long, but foreigners gathered, bars, tea houses, row upon row of shops, this street, so do not number "洋人街." In the street CAMAEL BAR, we encountered a few to come along with Dali's friends, they are greeted our four seated. Cup on the table there is a public and a Boson box. Everyone takes their turn throwing bosons, if it is "seven", then the public will be filled cups, if it is "8", then the public will be their cup of wine poured into the cup, and drink half of them, if it is "Nine," then we have to turn all drank wine cup. This way of drinking the first time I met, I feel very interesting, if you feel funny, it may be the next to go when the bars to try it out.

Five years ago with the years of Tintin came to Dali, in order to find him to five years ago, Prince Charming - a bar, Liu Bianzai the bartender. To listen to her introduction, the bartender, looked suave romantic, a shiny light pigtails unique charm, but also single-handedly superb cocktail techniques. But she forgot the name of the bar, according to her memories, we have a right to look for a bar down the street. Looking for she said the old chandeliers, casual wicker chair, elegant furnishings, as well as dream prince. Really Hard work pays off, we have finally found the bar called YAK. Facade is a wooden windows and doors, the walls hung a few meters arbitrarily yellow books package store is the old chandeliers, casual wicker chair, elegant furnishings, the central wooden pillar Zhanman the guests from afar photos and MESSAGE , but the bartender did not know the queue already falling where, when the boy is now a husband, this change so that Tintin was a bit disappointed. But it is not every day change? After listening to the bartender about Tintin, constantly lamented that "five years ago! Really can not think呀!" He told the store about our colleagues and friends, pointing to the photo on the pole, to tell us about the changes in the past five years. Before I left the time and we shook hands in farewell reluctantly. Although Tintin a little disappointed, we are grateful that she has brought us this remarkable and interesting experience. The night has been deep, we look back to the last one behind bars, riding high on star dilute again quietly left the city.
Author: liuchunjie

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service

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