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China Youth Travel Service | China | Sichuan | Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha | Emeishan
Emeishan Mountain
Brief Introduction
Emei Temples & Shrine
10 most Famous Spots
4 Wonders of Emeishan
Leshan Giant Buddha
World Wonder
Protection of Buddha
Tours Itinerary
HI, Welcome to Sichuan!
Jiuzhaigou Valley
Real Shangri-La
Yangtze River Cruise
Three Georges
Giant Buddha
Emeishan, Leshan
East Alps
Mt. Siguniang
Icy World
Hailuogou Glacier
China's Treasure
Wolong Pandas
Ancient Irrigation
Dujiangyang Weir
Lost Civilization
Sanxingdui Relics
Last Updated!

Emeishan Mountain
A good destination for visitors in Sichuan, China.....

Located on the southwest periphery of the Sichuan Basin, Mt. Emei has derived its name from the scenery where two peaks stand facing each other resembling the delicate eyebrows of a Chinese classic beauty. lt is also celebrated far and near for its fabulous scenic nature and the legendary Buddhist mountain.Mt. Emei is one of the four holy mountains of Buddhism in China.The other three areMt. Putuo in Zhejiang, Mt. Wutai in Shanxi and Mt.






Jiuhua in Anhui. Mt. Emei is dedicated to the bodhisattva Puxian. It is located 160 km southwest of Chengdu and 36 km from Leshan Giant Buddha.

The first temples were built as early as the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty. They were originally Daoist temples. The construction of Buddhist monasteries started with the coming of Buddhism to China in the 2nd century. The bodhisattva Puxian is supposed to have taught here at one time. During the Ming and Qing eras, the monasteries and temples numbered 200; today, 20 still remain.

Dotted the mountains are Baoguo (dedication) Temple, Fuhu( tiger in ambush) Temple, Qingyin (pure note) Pavilion, Heilongjiang Plank Road, Honchunping Terrace, Jiulao (9 olds) Cavern, Wannian ( myriad years) Temple and Xixiang (Elephant Bathing) Pool. On top of that, there are on the Golden Summit spectacular displays of Sunrise, Buddhist Halo, a Sea of
Cloud and the 'Sacred Lamp'. Acclaimed as the acme of perfection are those brilliant rhododendrons, dove-tree ( a rare species) , sweet-sounding lye-frog and amusing monkeys.