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China Youth Travel Service | China | Sichuan | Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha | Leshan Buddha
Emeishan Mountain
Brief Introduction
Emei Temples & Shrine
10 most Famous Spots
4 Wonders of Emeishan
Leshan Giant Buddha
World Wonder
Protection of Buddha
Leshan City
Tours Itinerary
HI, Welcome to Sichuan!
Jiuzhaigou Valley
Real Shangri-La
Yangtze River Cruise
Three Georges
Giant Buddha
Emeishan, Leshan
East Alps
Mt. Siguniang
Icy World
Hailuogou Glacier
China's Treasure
Wolong Pandas
Ancient Irrigation
Dujiangyang Weir
Lost Civilization
Sanxingdui Relics
Last Updated!


Maintenance and Protection of the Giant Buddha

Leshan Giant Buddha is as famous as the standing Buddha of Bamiyan in Afghanistan and they are regarded as part of the cultural heritage of mankind. Unfortunately, the recently deposed Taliban regime in Afghanistan had ordered the destruction of the Bamiyan monument. Thankfully, the new regime has pledged to restore it. Protection of the Leshan Buddha has become an even more important task as it is now unique as the only example of the ancient craft in its original form.

The foot of Leshan Giant BuddhaWhen the Giant Buddha was carved, a huge 13 storey wooden structure was built to shelter it from rain and sunshine. The structure was later destroyed in wars at the end of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). From then on, the stone statue has been exposed to the wind and rain.

Though it was designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, over the past 1,000 years, erosion did become a major threat to the statue. Strong winds, heavy rains, acid rain and visitors have left their mark. The stone coils of hair on the head of the statue have fallen down, the nose has turned black and the face has become speckled. Also, plants and fungi have begun to grow from the upper part of the body, while litter has been thrown over his face, neck, shoulders, breast and feet. Not least, water from the three rivers that converge before the stone statue have eroded the lotus foundation underneath the Buddha's giant feet. Today, over 30 holes have been discovered in the foundations.

The protection and maintenance of this ancient treasure have proved to be a concern down the ages. It is clear that many repairs have been made over the years but mostly on a small scale and probably by individuals. Since the foundation of the PRC there has been a schedule for repair work on a ten year cycle. Nevertheless, it has not been possible to completely resolve the problems caused by erosion.

The protection of the Leshan Buddha has drawn global attention. Experts have been dispatched by the UNESCO to investigate and oversee the protection work and the World Bank has offered US$ 8 million in interest-free loans for the work.

The statue of Monk Haitong, the promoter of the construction of the giant BuddhaThe municipal government of Leshan also promulgated a series of measures to maintain the Buddha. These include improving the macro-environment of the scenic area by controlling pollution and setting a time scale for the removal of industrial enterprises. The reduction of pollution of the Minjiang River and the investment of a large amount of money in the construction of a highway passing through the area is part of the program. Through the combined efforts of all those concerned in this enterprise important work upon the mountain, water, roads and gardens in the area has been completed. Consequently, the environment has been greatly improved.

On March 24, 2001, a large scale repair was launched by the government. It was the first maintenance since the Buddha had been added to the World Heritage List. The first stage concentrated on the treatment of the Buddha's head, shoulders, chest, and stomach. The repairs lasted for 36 days and cost over one million Yuan. The technicians mended the Buddha's coiled bun of hair, cleaned the face, cleared away trash and weeds from the body, removed an inappropriate cement coating, and repaired the damage with traditional materials. The second phase commenced on November 7, 2001, and is planned to be finished in August 2002. The second stage is focused on the improvement of the drainage system of the Buddha's body, protection against water concussion on the feet, and weatherproofing the whole statue.

The statue was built to subdue the monster and so pacify the swift currents thereby protecting the boatmen who traversed the treacherous river.As the mayor of Leshan City has said, "The Buddha statue, which represents the high sculpturing skill and standard of ancient China, will stand forever in Leshan City through concerted protective efforts from all Chinese people". While, we know, what Leshan Giant Buddha needs is not only the attention of all Chinese people, but also that of people from all over the world.

Taking the Giant Buddha as a base the attractions in the area also include the Lingyun Monastery, the Great Buddha Temple, the Dongpo Tower, Green Water Tower, Linbao Pagoda, Cave of Master Haitong, Jiuqu Plank Way, etc.


Maitreya: in Buddhist tradition, this is the future Buddha, who will descend to earth to preach anew the dharma or law when the teachings of Gautama Buddha have completely decayed.

The name Maitreya is derived from the Sanskrit maitri which means friendliness. His worship was especially popular during the 4th to 7th century, and his images are found throughout the Buddhist world; many of them beautifully convey his characteristic air of expectancy and promise. The Leshan Statue is the most spectacular of them all.