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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Day 16 tourism projects in Dujiangyan officially unveiled

Published: October 3, 2010

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Reporter yesterday visited the Dujiangyan Qingcheng Mountain area learned that Dujiangyan City, investment in tourism projects have been completed 2.589 billion yuan, Qingcheng Mountain Visitor Centre, the stream park expansion, large-scale online games "Komsomolsk" Qingcheng Howard Johnson International Hotel two other 16 Tourism projects have been completed in the National Day on holiday officially unveiled. Among them, the Dujiangyan tourism projects focus on stream park expansion, creating Qingcheng former landscape landscape, etc. for the National Day Festival adds more things to watch for and highlights.

It is reported that Qingchengshan water environment travel health Trail Restoration project is located in the landscape Qingchengshan gate mountains Drainage Department (Hok Cheung Villa opposite) to Jianfu Palace (enter Qingcheng Mountain Valley area to the left.) Project includes reconstruction Qingchengshan gate mountains to the Drainage Department Jianfu Palace tour trail about 1000 meters, the landscape transformation of the water environment, Dasan transformation. Visitors can swim in the mountains along the canal trail, enjoy the water, landscape, medicine landscape, walk to reach Jianfu Palace. Currently, access to a vehicle access Jianfu Palace, Dasan Road, water landscape three roads, so that visitors enjoy a taste of Qingcheng mountain, water, heritage sites while protecting the area's environment, improve the area's carrying capacity.

The total investment of 18.73 million yuan of the Cheonggyecheon project also in this park expansion National completion welcoming. Park, expanded nearly 30 acres of increase than in the past, with a total land area of 17259.4 square meters, construction area of 850 square meters, the Jin Jiang Park, Alan Park and spent Island Park. Park, gurgling stream, a ancient art of bonsai, bonsai show the Sichuan school quality, garden infinite charm.

Up to now, in addition to Qingcheng the mountain, Longchi reception capacity is not fully formed, the Dujiangyan city's scenic spots (points) has been opened. (Xinhua Zhang Hui)

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Dujiangyan city built the East Gate

Vigorous tall walls, arched openings, openings on the building antique, green and gray tiles, cornices Qiaojiao, this is the Dujiangyan City, the ancient city of the ancient city area just completed the East Gate - "Xuanhua door." Dujiangyan Municipal Party Committee, told reporters that the high defenders, from here to west of Dujiangyan City invested nearly 100 million yuan to build the ancient city is also in full swing.

According to Dujiangyan City to do the responsible person in the ancient city, East Gate tower is located in Dujiangyan City, and the Historic Centre of the boundary between the modern city, happiness Road and construction of the road junction. Covers an area of 5900 square meters, total construction area of 3900 square meters, including the antique gates and ancillary buildings. Gate tower across the road to happiness. It is reported that the East Gate City landlord door 7 meters wide, the thickness of 20 meters, set two-way four lanes for motorized vehicles; two side doors are wide and 4.5 m, a thickness of 8 meters for non-motor vehicles and pedestrians. Gates constructed of reinforced concrete, seismic fortification standard of 8 degrees; above the gate, but also built a two-story antique tower, known as "farming province floor"; tower will be a subsidiary of antique buildings commercial, leisure , travel services and other functions into one, visitors can climb the stairs next to the tower overlooking the buildings where the subsidiary can also be shopping and leisure. (Reporter Yan Wei Yan Bin)

The first permanent Dayi , Chengdu tourist information point

Width of the alley located

"The new market town of the information I can get one?" "Will the scattered groups into the Xiling Snow Mountain is not a car then? "Yesterday, the city wide alley located in the middle 8, the first resident of Dayi County, Chengdu Tourist information point, Chen Ying of staff are seriously answered the question visitors. According to her, the promotion points from the National Festival was officially opened in the width of the alley, there have been 1.5 thousand passengers and foreign tourists to visit advice, payment of travel more than 20000 copies of promotional materials.

It is understood that after the upgrading, Dayi County, a number of scenic highlights increasingly prominent. How to make these authentic history and culture, beautiful natural scenery to let more people know? After seeking various views, Dayi County tourism promotion point phase of the width of the alley - in this "crying," to allow more visitors to hear the voice of Dayi tourism promotion, to attract a large number of potential visitors to understand the Dayi tourism, Dayi travel experience.

Gathered in the width of the alley where the show features local characteristics Dayi, who must have pulled the magic eye. To this end, Dayi County Tourism Bureau in promoting the point, the left and right each have a rectangular counter top display with promotional materials to various tourist attractions, the landscape characteristics of the various attractions, tour routes, accommodation, food, etc. are introduced in detail. The left wall six photographs, which are fog Zhongshan arch, yin and yang industry landscape, Ani Liu Manor Museum, the new field of nine Dongqiao, said the source holy blessing ceremony, Shu King Street Gate. Right wall is a 4 meters long, 1.8 meters in Dayi travel panorama. Specially made in the right wall, a cutting angle slope, and slope tops a 34-inch LCD TV sets, videos and scrolling the scenic city Dayi image film.

Dayi tourism promotion to go out as a window to release the information point with the exception of promotional materials, but also set up the ordering, booking, consulting and other services. Dayi County Tourism Bureau, according to the person in charge, from today onwards, Dayi the tourist attractions will take turns in this show featured brands. Source: Chengdu Daily

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