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Chengdu China Youth Travel Service Headquarters official website, providing the latest in Sichuan Qingcheng Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain bus tour, Qingcheng Mountain conference tourism, Qingcheng Mountain Weather Forecast, Qingcheng Mountain tourist routes, Qingchengshan quotes, Qingcheng Mountain Tourist Guide, Qingcheng Mountain Hotel reservations, Qingcheng Mountain Car Rental, Qingchengshan Tour Price
Chengdu China Youth Travel Service Headquarters official website, providing the latest in Sichuan Qingcheng Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain bus tour, Qingcheng Mountain conference tourism, Qingcheng Mountain Weather Forecast, Qingcheng Mountain tourist routes, Qingchengshan quotes, Qingcheng Mountain Tourist Guide, Qingcheng Mountain Hotel reservations, Qingcheng Mountain Car Rental, Qingchengshan Tour Price

Dujiangyan water Qingcheng Mountain Air

Recently, Singapore's world-renowned Chinese writer known to Mrs Ms Dujiangyan today began breathing a large population of Chengdu as much as two times higher than the negative hydrogen ion in the air, she said it is difficult to breathe outside Dujiangyan, so fresh air. After Qingchengshan down from, especially now excitedly asked: "Can the package back to the air here in Singapore, I want my friends and family feel the air with the original look."
Day in three years ago, two elderly over sixty years, picking the railing in the South Bridge side of tears while watching the Dujiangyan water, sound vicissitudes and pathos. They come from Gansu, the reason they cry because they saw the first time such ecological, raw, clean beauty of the water. An old man emotional, said: "We Gansu water, I'll never not seen such good water, if we have a small home unit of water such as Dujiangyan nice to ah! Living in the city how people should Well ......"
To Dujiangyan to feel the "aura"
Dujiangyan is located in the western edge of Sichuan Basin, elevation from 4582 m to 592 m, both with vertical and horizontal canals the "water city charm", with patchwork, undulating "mountain style", a unique geographical location to keep water and air in Dujiangyan original appearance. Minjiang River water from the bow bar on Pentium Xuefeng Ling down, all the way on virtually no pollution, has to flow Dujiangyan, although he had from heaven into the earth, from the myth into the reality, but it has maintained the original appearance. "Mellowness" the immortals of water as enlightenment. "Qing" Debu dye mundane world, "alcohol" was not the least bit concerned about.
Data show that the air quality and water quality Dujiangyan year round to maintain the level of the national level, where the daily average of respirable particles only 0.04 mg / cubic meter, drinking water source water quality standards 100%.
Qingchengshan to breathe, "Xian Qi"
Here, mountains, natural streams perfect blend of original vegetation. Qingchengshan not only has not copy, to shake the world of the United States, but also has a precious "air vitamin" - the negative hydrogen ion.
Modern science shows that natural atmospheric concentration of negative hydrogen ion 4000 / cm, good for people's health and longevity. The higher the concentration of negative hydrogen ion content, the more people's health and longevity benefits. According to the survey, the negative hydrogen ion Qingchengshan volume reached alarming 25000-28000 / cc, is 180 times downtown.
In addition, the Dujiangyan City's rate of 38.04% green space, green space coverage rate of 42.78%, 10.39 square meters per capita public green space. In such a green space, water and air will naturally keep the original look, do not fight half-points discount, all no unchanged.

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