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Sichuan China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - the official information release conference tourism project, conference tourism in Sichuan, Chengdu, business tourism, conference tourism in Jiuzhaigou, Chengdu conference tourism, conference tourism Emei. Chengdu to provide you with the planning meeting, budget meeting, conference reception, meeting invitation, conference dinner, conference hotels hotel accommodation, business meetings, publicity exhibition, conference concierge service, conference rental, translation, after the tour, meeting equipment rental, etc. All position one-stop meetings.

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Sichuan China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - the official information release conference tourism project, conference tourism in Sichuan, Chengdu, business tourism, conference tourism in Jiuzhaigou, Chengdu conference tourism, conference tourism Emei. Chengdu to provide you with the planning meeting, budget meeting, conference reception, meeting invitation, conference dinner, conference hotels hotel accommodation, business meetings, publicity exhibition, conference concierge service, conference rental, translation, after the tour, meeting equipment rental, etc. All position one-stop meetings.
Sichuan China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - the official information release conference tourism project, conference tourism in Sichuan, Chengdu, business tourism, conference tourism in Jiuzhaigou, Chengdu conference tourism, conference tourism Emei. Chengdu to provide you with the planning meeting, budget meeting, conference reception, meeting invitation, conference dinner, conference hotels hotel accommodation, business meetings, publicity exhibition, conference concierge service, conference rental, translation, after the tour, meeting equipment rental, etc. All position one-stop meetings. Chengdu China Youth Travel Service, to provide Sichuan Jiuzhaigou Travel Jiuzhaigou bus tour, Jiuzhaigou Flying tourism, conference tourism in Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, weather forecasts Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel guides Raiders, Jiuzhaigou air tickets booking, hotel reservation services Jiuzhaigou Hotel

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Chengdu conference tourism Chengdu meeting planners

Chengdu conference tourism Chengdu Meeting Type

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Meeting Type

1. Classified according to organizers

Generally believed, according to the different nature of the host and can be divided into three class meetings, class meetings were for the company, association meetings and other organizational meetings category.
(1) Company Class Meeting
Company class session sizes, small to several people, as large as a thousand. Management emphasized that the information transfer, and information transfer within the company is meeting one of the most fundamental way, so the company very large number of class meetings. Number of meetings with relevant agencies in doing statistics, it is difficult accurate statistics on the number of company class meeting, because many companies are willing to internal meeting of foreign propaganda. Class meeting if the company compared the iceberg, they were included in the statistics only tip of the iceberg. Company meetings are usually by the management, coordination and technology theme, the specific can be divided into sales meetings, dealer meetings, technical meetings, management meetings and shareholder meetings.

(2) Association of class meetings
Association of class meetings in the conference plays an important market in the same location. Association because of the number and nature different from each other, their size from small regional organizations, provincial and municipal associations to an international association of national associations ranged up. Society can be divided into trade associations, professional and scientific associations, educational associations and Technology Association and other types. Among them, the trade association meetings industry is considered the most worthy of the market for one, because many members of the Association for the successful management of the industry. Association of class meetings are often held in conjunction with the exhibition. For example, the tourism fair held in China on a regular basis every time attracting a large number of foreign tourist from across the country up enterprises.

(3) Other organizations meeting <br /> typical of such meetings is the government agency meetings, many people have seen on TV political meeting. Although television cameras in the show's main venue is, but not difficult to imagine the back of the small meeting rooms, suites and banquet facilities. Provincial and municipal level, small and medium-scale government agencies are frequent convening of the meeting, creating a visual market. In many countries, unions are also important meeting organizers.

2. Size divided by the Conference

According to the size of the meeting that the number of people attending the meeting, the meeting can be divided into small meetings and medium-sized meetings, conferences and large meetings.
Small meetings: attendance could range from a few people to more than dozens of people, but not more than 100 people;
Medium-sized meeting: In attendance between 100-1000;
Conferences: the number between 1000-10000;
Super session: the number of 10000 or more, such as holiday parties, celebrations, conferences.

3. Classified according to activity characteristics Conference

Business Type Conference
Some companies, enterprises and management of its business development needs of business meetings held at the hotel. The quality of personnel attending the sitting high, usually business managers and professional and technical personnel. Their right hotel facilities, environment and service has a high demand for and consumption of a high standard to hold business meetings with companies Xingxiang usually selected broadly consistent with or higher level 饭店, such as large enterprises or Kuaguogongsi generally have chosen the tallest stars hotels. Business-type meetings held at the hotel, often combined with banquet, meeting high efficiency, short duration.

Resort conference
Companies and other organizations organized a weekend holiday resort casual staff side, side to participate in the meeting, this would both enhance the understanding between employees and the company's own cohesion, it can help solve the problems faced by enterprises. Usually chose the meeting resort landscape, attractions area hotel organized. Such meetings usually allow enough time for employees tourism, leisure and entertainment.

Fairs to participate in trade fairs <br /> meetings, trade fairs, exhibitions of various types of participants stay hotels, the number of days stay longer than one or two days of exhibition, while also organizing at the hotel reception, lectures, talks and the signing ceremony and other activities, sometimes at night there will be entertainment. In addition, some large enterprises or companies may also be held separately in the hotel trade fair, all the marketing activities held at the hotel. Cultural exchange meeting. Various private and public organizations of the inter-regional exchange of cultural learning activities, often visits the form of exchange.

<br /> Professional conferences such meetings is a certain expertise in a field of experts and scholars attended the meeting, such as thematic studies will, academic reports, expert evaluation and so on.

<br /> Political meeting international political organizations, national and local government for a political agenda of meetings held. Meeting with the General Assembly in accordance with its content and form of group discussions.

<br /> Training session with a session on certain types of professionals in the business knowledge skills training or new ideas, new knowledge of the theoretical training, the training will adopt the form of lectures, discussions, demonstrations and other forms.

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