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Master of the Legend of the sea through

Hai Tong Master
Kaiyuan Tang dynasty, a monk called Hai Tong Guizhou soaring mountains to Chia-Chou, erected a hut practice. Haitong whose real name is Pure Lotus, from "Lotus 出淤泥而不染" means, he 12-year-old monk, he studied under the monk Hui Jing, 20-year-old teacher when traveling away from the world. He waded climbing, came Jiazhou an arduous journey, finally Lingyun Hill found an ideal place to practice. Gun down the mountain is the Dadu River, obliterate River, Qingyi of convergence, the river such as the thousands of horses, roaring around, often boat crash. Year after year, people can only watch the water, sighing, do nothing. Haitong see these circumstances, extremely sad that he meditate day and night, finally came up with a solution: a chisel in the rock on the riverside of the Maitreya Buddha the largest on earth, let him day and night, the face of Jesus Christ The vast Thousand Leagues Sanjiang, relying on Tao, protect the common people.
The news spread to, far and near the Yunju craftsmen are scrambling to Gun Hill. To start the day, thousands of hammer stones, shouting around, the scene is really rare through the ages. One side stones falling from the high rocks on the river, sparking a thousand waves, those waves deep in the river bottom of the monster, all the water sprang panic, panic escape. Hai Tong started in the Buddha after he shoulder the burden of financing. He cherished ambition, a clothing a bowl, full line of thousands of miles, P Plus collect alms, after hard, and finally rewarding experience.
Spring to winter, but each year, more and more clearly outline the Big Buddha, the confluence of three rivers more and more calm. Day, I heard the sea through the hands of Mayor Chia-Chou has a lot of money money, he brought a large entourage to come to beg for. Sea through the face of threats, without fear, flatly refused, he says, defiantly: "Since the project can be cut out, rare Buddha money!" Arrogance and contempt for the sea through the love of money, such as life angered the Mayor, he did not believe that anyone has courage to dig out their own eyes, he was enraged, saying: "Then you dig it!"
The face of unscrupulous Mayor, seated cross-legged on the sea through majestic, porting a copper coil, do not hesitate to gouge out their eyes on the top one, silently held to the Mayor before.
Suddenly, Mayor stunned, scared driven to distraction, fled to escape down the mountain. Hai Tong gave himself a sense of devotion to the noble spirit heaven and earth, but also inspired people created Buddha Everbright ambition. But the Buddha did not wait until completion, die from the sea through the passed away. Later, in the Tang Dezong Zhen Yuan dynasty, the succession of sea-Nishikawa Jiedushi Weigao through unfinished business, and finally completed in Zhenyuan 19 years. Buddha 71 meters high, set last Jiushi Yu, as the world's largest Buddha. Gobi boat a contemporary poet:
Mountain is a Buddha,
Buddha is a mountain.
Leading to the mountains,
Erect a large river.
Is actually a true portrayal of Buddha.

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