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Emei Shan: First shanting <br /> first shanting, touristic center in the low mountains, showing the rich and profound culture Emei, Emei demonstrated great momentum and broad-minded, is the epitome of the Emeishan ancient and modern culture, is largest copper Pavilion, visitors walk into the mountains is the starting point. Visitors enter the "world mountain" arch, the first into the eyes is the impressive "first shanting" Pavilion on the "first mountain," the three characters shine. Pavilion 16.1 meters high, Zhong Yan Qiao Jiao, Seiko clever structure, imposing appearance, splendid. Pavilion 4 plaques were the "first hill" (from palm monk Po words: "the saying above, show a Kyushu, Aurora also ");," first Emei Mountain," "Big Bright Mountain" (from Buddhism, "Chinese Yan Jing "," Zenzai wonderful boy standing height, the view of the mountains such as the full moon shine ")," King of the mountain people "(from" Shan Hai Jing? Xishan by "and" Three Wise Kings by "), representing the Emeishan famous mountains in China, as well as Buddhism and Taoism in prominence. The middle of the pavilion stands a bronze marker of the whole, 2.5 meters high and 2 meters wide, to "hold up the crystal flower gem lettuce." The signs divided into three layers: precious stones, lotus, and the base. Stones as crystal, containing copper, "World Heritage" and "National Scenic Area" signs, crystal clear, star bright. Lotus and the base are bronze, six lotus petals carved the famous Emei old landscape ecology Monkey, respectively, surrounded by 10 Fangpu Xian, Shuangqiaoshan voiceless, shows best in the world, nine angel House, Temple years . Base pattern Zeyi Emeishan natural and human for the content, raised some selected Hai dug the first Buddha, Taizong give gold as Samantabhadra, Emperor Xuan Yuan innocent people by the Road, Po chasing deer were true public body, Po palm point of making ancestral temple, on Li Bai singing Emei, Chu yu mad then seek Immortals seven tale, recessed and some others for the content of the natural resources of Mount Emei, mainly Cyathea, Monkey, Zhen Nan. The entire symbol is metaphorical nature gives and ages of people had contributed to Emei, created this "world star." Ting Zhu four side carved within the area of ecological monkeys, like pool night moon, bringing nine angel House, Hung Chun-Xiao Yu, Jinding Yoshimitsu, Shuangqiaoshan voiceless, white water autumn, yoga, quiet well-known throughout the landscape plan 8. "The first shanting" on the traditional culture of the Emeishan slightly interpretation of Emei Mountain sightseeing tour was pointing, culture rich, meaningful, is not ya head then, a myriad of thoughts.
Emeishan first shanting

Emei Shan: Glen Monkey <br /> Emei Emei Monkey is the wizard, playfulness playful, naive and highly learned person patience, see people do not panic, and people to each other and the people with music, brought countless joy to the visitors, as Mount Emei of a living landscape. Playing with monkeys, a monkey feeding, watch the different styles, to understand their behavior, the last close contact again, as visitors to Mount Emei indispensable item. Eco monkey Emeishan Emeishan Qingyin Pavilion located, between the thin strip of sky to Hong Chunping for a narrow valley, an area of 25 hectares, is the largest protected area of natural eco-monkey. Eco monkey family of wild monkeys from existing three, up to 300 only.
Emei Monkey Zone

Emei Shan: voiceless voiceless Pinghu Pinghu <br /> in Qingyin Pavilion, an area of 300000 square meters, Department of green lake water pure, clean through the bottom. Green Crest Green around the peaks surrounded, and ancient trees, lakes such as jade embedded in them, deep and shallow, bit by bit, really do not know the tree reflects green lake, or Lake dyed green tree. Exposure in the meantime, just listen to treed Department, Ming cicadas sound of a mountain breeze blowing, the slightest moisture washed mundane world, a good school of landscape feelings, ignoring the music. Cool summer here, for the leisure resort in Chengde; even in the winter and the chill of early spring, there is no wind, I am surrounded by the cold, still warm apply picturesque, Cuise students smoke.
Emeishan voiceless Pinghu
Emei Shan: Xiaoping Food of Love
The summer of 1980, the chief architect of China's reform and opening up, when he was vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Deng Xiaoping, to visit Mount Emei, when the line to the scenic highway at the end - when the double well, in this a rest, climb overlooking the face of Emei beautiful scenery, Comrade Xiaoping energetically, pointing country, he said: "Mount Emei Scenic Area is a cultural type, is a treasure. to be well protected, to make plans, and comprehensive development; to strengthen the building, strengthening management. to do something to There is more than the spirit of mountaineering. " To cherish the memory of this great man, Deng Xiaoping, in this mountain hall built by the memorial monument, close as fish and deep, pointing out attractions such as rivers and mountains and climbing more than component.
Emeishan Xiaoping Food of Love
Emei: to poke its nose <br /> Wan Foding as Emei peak elevation of 3099 meters, the name "Samantabhadra residence around the Ten Thousand Buddhas" was intended. Emei Mountain eco-tourism area is virgin forest, there are 10000 temples, mountain rhododendron forest, black bear ditch, back and other celestial sights. 10000 temples 21 meters high, solemn and majestic, hangs in the roof of the "wishes of ancient bell" solemn majesty. 10 000 temples ringing bells seemingly simple, often hit 108 times: morning twilight time the knock, knock each bear 18 times, struck 18 times slower, unhurried and then struck 18 times, so repeated twice, a total of 108 times The implication is that to be the year of 12 months, 24 solar terms, 72 Climatic (5 days as a candidate), together 108 times, symbolizing the cycle of one year, forever, pray peace and prosperity, human well-being. Buddhism is also called clock hit 108 to eliminate 108 kinds of worries and distracting thoughts. 10 000 temples ringing bells, and is standing on the summit of Mount Emei very top of the face surrounded by 10 Fangpu Xian, with a bell knocking the door of paradise, passing good wishes.
Emei to poke its nose
Emei Mountain: Mount Emei Golden Summit Gold Buddha <br /> gold like the golden dome is surrounded by 10 Fang Puxian highest in the world gold Buddha, is the first 10 Fang Puxian art form. Department of bronze gold-filled gold Buddha Buddha statues process, through 48 meters high, weighing 660 tons, from the pedestal and 10 Fang Puxian like composition. Among them, 6 meters high pedestal, Zhang Kuange 27 meters, surrounded by engraved with the ten general vows of Samantabhadra, the external use of granite relief decoration, 10 Fang Puxian as 42 meters high and weighs 350 tons, in a gold Buddha design a perfect, smooth process, called the Buddha of Masterpieces of the copper giant to make, quite a few high cultural value and aesthetic value of ornamental, is the collision cross-strait artists soul, wisdom.
Golden Buddha 48 meters through the high representative of the wishes of Amitabha 48. "The ten" first Italian Yu Puxian ten vows, second is a symbol of Buddhism in the East, South, West, North, Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, Northwest, the upper and lower 10 bearings, Italy Yu Puxian endless line of ready to complete 10 Fangsan Shi Buddhas and face in the crowd. Fugen's ten picture is divided into three levels, look different, represents the mentality of the world's ten.
Emei Shan Golden Buddha
Emei: Cliff <br /> largest eco-tourism for the Emeishan Square, located next to the yoga path, north of Red Bead the top, slowly flowing river yoga benefits, a quiet and refined taste. Cliff face, impressed in the Emei Mountain is a long history, shocked the Emeishan "Number One" of power. Yashi on the "Island of God First Mountain" and "Mountain Leader" nine red characters to indicate a famous mountain in China, Mount Emei prominent position, showing the world natural and cultural charm of Mount Emei. The points listed in the famous celebrities around, on behalf of the Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties in different, different people on the Emei Mountain, "the first mountain," the evaluation. The "three E Mountain, above the Five Sacred Mountains, show a Kyushu, the country's first mountains Aurora." (Jin? Po palm Chitose monk); "We went to Emei Mountain from top to toe Fatal strike, too Daizong ten miles, loneliness Alpine, has forced the Western Buddhist community, Aurora is also the first mountain. "(Yuan? Kwok-wing," Snow fulfill fast notes ");" Shenzhou has three temples, Buddha for the Aurora State: First of Emei, second is five, The third is Putuo, the Emei Mountain is also another Shenzhou No. 1! "(Ming? Yuan child to" seal the mountains ");" Emei Shan to Aurora First, the emperor granted Road, Worthy of the show is the magic supernatural, non- complex world. "(clear? Jiang Gao," You Emeishan mind ");" Xiu landscape, such as Emei summer with frost and hail, Beiban of the press, Kunlun par also. "(Jin? Wang Xizhi" and Xie book ");" 3 Bauer the show best in the world, why should involve looking Penglai sea. "(Ming? ZHOU Mo" Emei World Show ")" Worthy are, the eldest son of the Buddha, Emei those mountains leader. from the pulse from the Kunlun Mountains, degree Conglingxi from also. became Emei, and then into the saying. "(Ming? Fu light house" Samantabhadra Golden Temple Mount Emei monument ");" Four buildings or mountains, while the E Mountain Home 1. par Kunlun, and competed five Yue Mo Yan. "(Qing Zhang can scale, "Fu Teng E Mountain")
Emei Mountain Cliff
Emei Shan: Show a waterfall Welcome Plaza <br /> is one of the main building. "Show Best" condensed "Emei World Show" this conclusion, an "A" word highlighted Emei Emei Xiuse status and human courage. Meanwhile, the "show best in the world" and the "world mountain" arch look after each other, and the "world mountain" made comments and added features. "The world famous mountain - show best in the world," summarizes the history of the Emeishan status and landscape features. Standing waterfall, there were a waterfall spilled from the sky to, a Bailian hanging on the cliff, a spray of water burst of rain and fog formed in the air, the sun rainbow looming, River among the rolling waves, the sound of thunder.
Emei show a waterfall
Emei Shan: Welcome Beach <br /> Welcome Welcome Plaza Beach is a landmark, for the low-mountain distribution center for visitors - Welcome Plaza, from left to right, followed by palm monk Po mentioned "Aurora First Mountain ", and the Kangxi Huang Di Yu mention the three characters" Emei ", and the World Heritage logo, backed by the National Scenic Area Visitor Center in the first - Emei Mountain visitors center and museum in Sichuan Emei, one of the museum. Surrounded by greenery around, Emeishan spring from the stone shed, the color of Bailian, like Pearl, Xiang Fei, spray jump Pentium, joyful acoustic songs, representing the hospitality of the Emeishan people to welcome guests to all corners.
Welcome Beach Emeishan
Emei: <br /> mountains mountains from the starting point located in the "paradise of the Emeishan called" the Mount Emei Township, Huang Wanxiang first is the gateway into Mount Emei scenic area. "Mountains from" arch combines the ancient art of architecture of the long north-south, the north building of the solemn existing momentum, but also the exquisite architecture of the South, the arch at the top of the typical residential use of the Emeishan Qiaojiao practices. The building are antique-style architecture, is simple and elegant, set scenic area management office as one of the passenger and also the "digital Emei Mountain," an important part.
Emei Shan mountains from

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